Monday, April 28, 2008


Wiki is a very useful tool in a library to enhance its services, such as subject guides, showing direction in a library, book review and etc. I am thinking of using wiki in our library club so that members can discuss things like which books to be included in the discussion list. However, one important think is that whether the members are willing to use it or learn to use it.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I have spent some times figuring out how to find blogs to put on my reader. Later, I have found google blog search. It is quite easy to find something you want there. I have subscribed a blog called 'China Film Journal". I think this technology can help me to find some new artists/performers for our Library's activities.

Image Uploading(3)

Finally, I have found the pictures are up on the Flickr 4 days after I posted them up.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Image Uploading (2)

I have been struggling for the last week about uploading the picture onto Flickr. In my account, it said the picture was up on 25 March 2008, but I couldn't find it on Flickr. I kept on checking my account to see if there were anything that I had missed to kick or unkick. It was for public view.

Thanks for the comment telling me that I need to upload at least 5 images before seeing them on Flickr. I didn't see anywhere in the website that we need to upload at least 5 images each time. But anyway, it seemed a light for me. When I uploaded other images, some of them could not be able to be uploaded as they are larger than 5MB per file. It took me a long time to upload all five images. But I am disappointed to find that they are still not found on Flickr.

I need to move on and try to find out the reason later!